Ukrainian hostages of Kremlin

Surveillance, dispersal of meetings, monitoring the news, beatings, torture, false arrests, mass arrests, false charges, show trials, murders. Here is the list of the actions, which are qualified by international declaration of 1987 like “State Terrorism”. The victims of such crimes from the side of the power of Russian Federation become our compatriots – the hostages of the special services of unfriendly country to us.

Welcome to Hell

Pyotr Pavlensky, acting in ranks of political actionism, burned the doors of the office of FSS on Lubyanka in Moscow. “The threat of imminent massacre hangs over every person, who is within reach for surveillance devices, listening to conversations and borders the passport control. Military courts are liquidating any of manifestations of free will”, explains artist motives of his act.

The dictatorship, set in Russia, punishes not only the citizens of Russia. Except occupied territories of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine, Russian Special Services are hunting for foreigners, who are on the territory of Russian Federation. Nadezhda Savchenko, Oleg Sentsov, Alexander kolchenko – the names of this hostages of Putin’s regime are on everyone’s lips.


But arrested and judged Ukrainians by Russian power are much more bigger. The reasons for arrests are very different, but so-called “terrorism” is leading. It’s the most comfortable qualification for inside consumption – Russians are fear of “terrorists” like the plague and Putin came to power on the anti-terrorist wave.

Kidnapped, tortured, and were appointed as terrorists

After the suppression of Chechen resistance and appointing of own deputy in the rebel republic, Russian power launched military actions against neighbours – Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014. In both cases the opponents of Russia were stigmatized as terrorists and citizens of these countries like potentially dangerous, unwanted guests.  

Two our fellow citizens, Stanislav Klikh and Nickolay Karpyuk, are judged in the court of Grozny. ukrainians are charged with participation in “illegal armed groups” on the territory of Chechnya in 1994-2000. At that years Russian army, MIA and Special Services tried unsuccessfully overwhelm Chechen resistance and suffered huge losses.


Captured by Russians Karpyuk and bartered in Orel klikh on the first stages of the investigation were hardly tortured, what the lawyers of the hostages of Russian Special Services claim.

The attorneys of Ukrainians Doka Itslaev and Marina Dubrovina suppose that the composition of the jury on the trumped-up case, inspires some optimism. Evidences of their involvement in the incriminated acts are needed for the justification of Klikh and Karpyuk. Doka Itslaev has come to Kyiv for such facts. The attorney has claimed already in Ukraine that the state “doesn’t understand the importance of the collection of such evidences” and it is a display of contempt of the authority to the fate of its citizens. Also, Itslaev noticed that our law enforcements has declarated the readiness to help to participants of the process from Ukrainian side, but case doesn’t move further the declarations.

Except inhuman Russian Femida can be called emergency. The emergency to slaughter. Hennadiy Afanasiev, pro-Ukrainian activist from Crimea was found guilty on October 20 by the court of RF in the “preparing of the terrorist acts” in occupied Crimea. Being in a penal colony, Ukrainian doesn’t recognize the sentence of Russian court and want to  achieve exchange or extradition.


Sentenced to imprisonment for 7 years in a penal colony appealed through a lawyer to his compatriots: “I hope that state and consuls will help me and extradition or exchange will be organized, I hope to come back on my Motherland. I wish you not to fear anything and never give up”.

Spymania is profitable

“Terrorists” Sentsov, Kolchenko, Karpyuk and Afanasiev are united by pro-Ukrainian citizenship and the rejection of the occupation of Crimea. But 73-year old resident of Poltava Jury Soloshenko, ex-director of “Znamya” plant was arrested in Moscow for the “espionage”.



Ex-head of the defense enterprise was convicted for acts allegedly harmed the defense to the capability of Russia. The verdict in the 6 years of strict regime was ordered by moscow City Court. The trial and sentencing were closed.

Other Ukrainian, Sergei Skirta, the representative of Public company “Poltava Turbomechanic Plant” was blamed in espionage too. Russian Secret services are blaming Sergei in the industrial espionage, and set him into establishing of the “contacts with members of the Russian enterprises with the aim to create a permanent channel of getting interested to foreign side documentation for a cash”

The cases of Soloshenko and Skirta are neither more nor less than try of Russian side to get the important information about the state of affairs in the military and defense industry. Two unwitting decoy of the fabricated cases are the representatives of the so necessary to Russian Special Services branches of the economy.

In this way, the spymania, unleashed by Russian authorities, become the supplier not only specific inside media product, but brings enough benefit to Special Services. The information, constituent state, commercial or industrial secrets is taking away from Ukrainians with the way of blackmail by huge prison sentences.

The modern Ukrainian legislation does not allow the limitation of exit of such information carriers abroad and particularly in Russia. Moreover, such limits would contradict to Constitution. Such scope, that is conducted in Russia with the monitoring of persons able to inform FSS the important information, only confirms guessworks about presence in Ukraine of the network of Russian agents, supplying our enemy with the similar information.

Hostages are profitable

It would be incorrectly to blame Russian top-brassers in exceptional selectivity according to the victims of legalized abductions. Not only Ukrainians are arrested, tortured and pressured. 

Russians has captured and kidnapped Eston Kohver during an exacerbation of diplomatic relations with the entire civilized world and in particular with neighboring Estonia. FSSS officially claimed that “The employee of the police of safety of Estonia Eston Kohver was detained on September 5, 2014 with weapon, 5 thousand € and special equipment”. Estonian side has denied the charge of illegal border crossing by its officer and insisted on kidnapping Kohver by Russians. Russians has exchanged sentenced to 15 years in prison on their spy, arrested by Estonian special service before this accident.


In this way, the opinion about custom-made character of abduction of Kohver confirmed in Estonian media. This case was solved so soon, because the consolidating position of Estonia and EU has contributed. So, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of EU Federica Mogherini officially claimed to free Kohver, added that EU considers illegal his detention.

Poroshenko promises success

Ukrainian position according to its kidnapped citizens is not so clear. The officials, referring on the secret negotiations, don’t share with society the details of negotiations to exchange hostages on the captured Russians. It’s known that MFA of Ukraine is forming the “List of Savchenko-Sentsov”. According to the words of representative of Ministry Marianna Betsa, the document “will apply to all political prisoners, it is produced. All, who involved to illegal detention, kidnapping and the imposition of illegal verdicts against our citizens will be in this list”.

The President Petr Poroshenko has reported that there weren’t any suggestions about exchange political prisoners from Russian side. “It’s not the question of exchange. I will do my best to bring back Ukrainian heroes home. I will achieve the success, because I have the support of Ukrainian people and solidarity of all International society”, told the president.


It’s not clear, if all his attempts will be also about Sentsov and Kolchenko, or the list of persons more wide.

Russia is the territory of danger

Ukrainian citizens become the easy prey for the special services of country-aggressor in the conditions of Russian-Ukrainian conflict. On the level with using the labour migrants and pro-Russian IDPs from Donbass, Russian propaganda demonizes the image of Ukrainian  in the eyes of the average Russian. To support the degree of hate FSS really needs “terrorists” among the citizens of Ukraine and ethnic Ukrainians among Russians are prosecuted. The last impact was on the Library of Ukrainian Literature in Moscow. The staff of library were massively questioned by investigators at the same time the head Natalia Sharina was placed under house arrest.


Ukrainophobia and open Russian aggression of authorities against Ukraine are not the argument not to go in Russian for a number of Ukrainians. Maybe barbarian captures of our citizens, tortures and unfair verdicts will serve to soon understanding of the sense of open war against us. The doors of Lubyanka, burned by Pyotr Pavlensky has become the infernal significant way of the Contemporary Russian authorities. The power which takes into hostages its own citizens.

Mykyta Pidgora for informator.lg