“Top-brassers of “LPR” caught the “militant”, robbed supermarket of Plotnitsky

Fighters from “LPR MIA” claim about catching a robber, carried away more than 1 million of roubles from supermarket “Narodny” in Krasnodon. The local Sergei Bykadorov, served in the ranks of “militia” turned to be him.

According to the report of the source, thanking to acquaintance of the robber it became possible to catch him.

The resident of Krasnodon Aleksander Korchinsky has handed over Makarova gun to “top brassers of LPR”, 2 magazines to it and 29 ammos. According to words of Korchinsky, pistol was left at him by Bykadorov.  

“Law enforcements of republic” have found out AK machine gun in the garage of mother-in-law of Bykadorov. During the “investigative actions” it has detected that Sergei Bykadorov had robbed “Narodny”.

As it was reported earlier, unknown took away more 1 million of roubles, 500 dollars and 3300 hryvnias from safe of the supermarket in Krasnodon.

We would also remind that network of “Narodny” supermarket, located on the occupied territory of Luhansk Region within the scope of the business interests of the leader of “LPR” Igor Plotnitsky.