Ukraine refuses Russian medicine

Ministry of Health of Ukraine initiates the rejection of medicines of Russian origin. Acting as Minister of Health Uliana Suprun has reported about this.

‘It’s impossible at the same time to kill Ukrainians and to ‘take care’ about their health. Ministry of Health crew is initiating the rejection of Russian medicine. We sent to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a letter with an offer to stop drug supply to Ukrainian market’, Suprun claimed.

According to her words, the ministry encourages Ukrainian and foreign manufacturers to bring to market quality substitutes for Russian-made preparations.

‘There can’t be double standards: country, started a war against Ukrainian people has no right to earn on our cure. So, the sanctions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine will be done in that way against country the aggressor, which occupied and annexed Ukrainian lands, which every day kills Ukrainians, violate rights and freedoms of our people and holds hundreds of illegal prisoners in owns jails’, acting as minister noted.

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