How tourist Crimea is destroying? 16 facts from occupied peninsula

Not so long ago ‘Krymenergo’ has published a list of scheduled shutdowns for July. According to the timetable, the power is going to be turned off mostly in all districts of peninsula. In this way, in spite of the third thread of the Russian energy bridge in the spring of 2016, the lights go off. A blogger, writing under nickname KRYMsky banderovets (Crimean banderaman) shared his news about the collapse of hopes for a ‘better life’ of the inhabitants of the Crimea, who only recently happily perceived the Russian occupation.

Here is the reports of a blogger (author’s style is kept):

  1. Yesterday vatniki (radical, uneducated supporters of the so-called ‘Russian world’ – ed.) rallied against corruption and ‘for our Soviet Motherland’ under red banners in Kerch. The rally was allowed by occupants, but, so that the vatniks didn’t rub off society’s eyes, it was moved out in an organized manner on a bus from the city center on a pretext, that there would be another event on the square of Lenin. Vatniks were complaining that all spheres of life mired in corruption and prices are so high that it’s impossible for people to buy something. The’re also not satisfied by medicine, because people can get a doctor’s appointment only after 2-3 weeks. One of performers said that everyone notes the deterioration of the socio-economic situation. They demanded ‘to give an opportunity to city a hero Kerch to have rest from the actions and actions of such officials’. They said that people don’t go on rallies, because they’re afraid for their working places and repressions from the side of ‘authorities’. All faces of present people were detaily fixed on the cameras by top-brassers.
  2. Repressions against Evangelical Christians are continuing in Crimea. The reason is usually in the absence of occupation ‘citizenship’ or pro-Ukrainian position.


  1. Sevastopol. The best boarding school #4, founded in 1961, in Ushakovaya blaka (Ushakov beam) will be closed and children will be sent to finish education at the back of beyond. There will be a temple of Federal Security Service Russian Orthodox Church. Local propagandists are writing: ‘There’s all you need to know about future of your children. We’re living in illusions that human life is priceless. Meanwhile, the state had counted the cost of each human long ago. And if expenses increase exceed the established limit even for a penny, you will be ruthlessly deleted from the estimate, as if there were no you. Village hospitals and small schools are liquidating in this way all around Russia. Now this trouble has come to Sevastopol: Education department calls into question the profitability of the existence of boarding schools around the clock, miraculously surviving in Ukrainian times. There were seven such schools in the city twenty years ago. Now there only four left. Two years ago, already in Russian realities, Sevastopol Government closed boarding school #3 on Gorpischenko street. It was closed in ugly way, teachers remember: ‘The rumors were spreaded for a long time, that boarding school will be closed as small. On August 29 (2015 – ed.) the governor Menyailo came into facility and promised to keep school. And already on September 1 all pupils in a body were staying on the line in boarding school #4 on the Papanin str. in Ushakovaya Balka’.
  2. Occupants held a ‘seminar’ in Armyansk on which schoolkids and students were taught how to ‘struggle with terrorism and extremism’. Russians drummed ‘prevention of terrorism begins precisely with patriotic education’ into children’s heads’. The practic part of the ‘seminar’ took place at Armyansk frontier post, where the samples of weapons and military equipment with the help of which the occupiers patrol areas of the ‘border’ and “prevent cases of possible terrorist acts on the territory of the Crimea’ were demonstrating to the teenagers. Of course, Ukraine is presented like the source of threat.
  3. The invaders distributed regular medals for seizing the Crimea to militants from so-called ‘militia’, who are from 2014 till today do lawlessness on the peninsula: they’re seizing property and business for the benefit of the invaders, brawl and beat Crimeans, about such cases it has already been repeatedly reported. In 2014 so-called ‘militia’ took part in the kidnapping, tortures anders of Crimeans. 131 snout was awarded.


  1. Traitors begin more and more deeply recognize at pro-Russian forums, discussing master plan, that they’re left with nothing: ‘But how beautiful it all began’, ‘A lot of things, that beautifully started, ugly ends. History likes to repeat. FSB, Federal Security Service of Russian Federation, military – all of them have a right. What will be left to Sevastopol dwellers? Perhaps, some duties and all-encompassing lack of rights’.
  2. So, putin will know about corruption and everything’s gonna be alright: ‘So, how Federal target programs are spent on Crimea, goes too far. Uncle Vova will be very unsatisfied’, Sevastopol pro-Russian wrote.
  3. Gurzuf. Look what’s happening now on the beach Gurovskie kamni (Gurov’s stones), which was seized from locals by occupants.


  1. KaZantip scraps are symbolizing turning of Crimea into Abkhazia.


  1. Feodosia was simply destroyed during a year. Shocking. The city is dead, there are no tourists, mess and dirt is everywhere. It’s a harbor. Look how center of the occupied city look like.


  1. Balaklava. 10 am. The owners of boats are sitting on the waterfront. Shill females are passing by, trying to catch a flock of evasive tourists with no effect.
  2. First tourists are noticed in Evpatoria, but in general the city is still in non-seasonal condition. Cafes and seafronts are empty, there a less of people on the beach in the center of the city.
  3. Kerch is moving with leaps and bounds towards Abkhazia. The advert in the hotel: ‘Dear guests! Please, waste water sparingly, the water supplies are limited in Crimea’. The average hotel staff explains that they have a water in the faucets, but, at the same time, they agree with administration appeal to economy, because this resource is limited on the peninsula after the overlapping of the North-Crimean Canal, in spite of Constantinov’s and Aksenov’s bravado. ‘For example, while you’re soaping, can you don’t pour the water?, the maid said. Wherein, she react negatively on if it’s possible to go to toilet in the bushes. ‘Well, everything is not finally so bad!’. Next year, if Crimea won’t be free, they will chase into the bushes.
  4. Occupants prohibit to entertain holiday people by showing movies without special permission. Only films not later 1930’s are allowed to be shown. Forward to the past!
  5. ‘Crimeans give a preference to the food, grown on the peninsula’, which takes only 25% of a market. And also Belarus products. All Russian missed, because it’s inedible.
  6. Kerch catches Ukrainian radio! Not so long ago news on Ukrainian were heard from open car in one of the districts of the city. Today a girl, vendor in a stall, so attentively heard Ukrainian speech from dynamics, that she even  didn’t readily answer my questions. I didn’t interfere with her enjoy.

P.S. Sevastopol. Fishwives are walking in the market ‘5 km’ and collect the signs for the ‘letter to putin’ against master plan. It’s better for them to go to Emerald City for brains! It would be more useful.

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