In the light of the next symptom of madness, broken out from an infinitely patient and still unfinished Russian world, it was suddenly found out how gently and tenderly humanity relates to food. The new, slightly half-forgotten idol, the new shrine from something that is necessary to everybody and seemed to be quite natural, food, our daily bread, has turned into an idol there or in the martyr.
Holy is so brittle substance, that can be unshakable or even just seem so. What shrines still consist in the world? Well, patriotism once again in trend. There was a time when I lived in such a society which turned patriotism in so savage grotesque, that ruins of this hard and amorphous patriotic structures seems to be natural. As a result any remind about Motherland, about great state symbolism exchanged on desperate state nihilism on a level of Bakunin or Prudov. Or even it could be Kurt Vonnegut, he has such a determination of nation in this novel like indiscriminate and unfounded association of people, devoid of inner content. “Ok, you will repaint flags, rewrite anthems and I will be ready to jump, to remember, where the heart is, frozening, moved with fear!” Dozen of years passed in the circumstance of discredited patriotism. So, patriotism is controversial shrine.
Is the staff of life the shrine? Considering how much of everything is sold in our supermarkets under the guise of it and this substance is totally unfit for human consumption, daily bread is not a shrine. However, we survived famine and don’t have a right to say something in a such way. And what rights had representatives of starving Povolgie or blockade Leningrad? They had only one, which confirms famous thesis, that people are not taught nor by positive nor negative experience, nor good examples, nor minus.
So, what it was? It was the application about the intention to go through the nightmare.
Getting rid from food has all chances to get rid absolutely from it. I remembered documentary footages of Chinese documentaries, where Red Guards, carrying out the resolution-wises of CPC and personally the great Mao, rushed to the fight against major pests of folk crops, sparrows. Poor birds were destroyed by savage methods with help of rattles, without cleaner than Russians cheese, not allowing sparrows to sit on the ground. Then, exhausted by incessant flight, sparrows fell down on the ground without strength. So, Red Guards gathered them into big bunches, reporting to the government that damned pests had neutralized. Later Chinese comrades understood truth of one of arabian proverbs: those, who don’t think about circumstance, don’t have a fate as a friend. All caterpillars that stayed alive had eaten all that were grown on a fields. Intention and disrespectful attitude to food works like that. It is the part of total program in realizing the nightmare.
The same point of total program is the ambition to call NATO on the battle. North Atlantic Treaty Organization is like full and happy elephant, which quietly takes care of his life, indulgently and perplexedly looking on mad Russian Moska, choking in a frenzied barking. It’s hard to imagine what could make elephant to step on poor and pauper doggy.
There was a time when sanctions seemed to be something impossible, but monkeys were given with “Buk”. It’s hard to say what will be the last detonator of the main explosion for elephant, who’s “Boeing” and where it will fly. Everything is more simple, Universal injustice could not allow to a human to get heaven, but it never refuses to anybody to get hell.
We can only guess why this society so rapidly extends to a catastrophe. By the way, having two ways of development, they always choose a way closer to abyss. Time has come. Analogy is simple, Huns, maybe, weren’t genius warriors and Atilla — the great commander, but the time has come to Rome. For the comparing, Carthaginians with Hannibal also were in the know how to overcome Romans, but at first they destroyed Carthage.
Heorhii Sushchenko for