Donbass front: shellings left without the benefits of civilization not only Avdiivka, but Donetsk too

As a result of hostilities the Donetsk filtration station was de-energized. Some time ago it could struggle with shellings. The water supply to Avdiivka and Verkhnetoretske village was stopped. Also Donetsk got breaks too.

Yesterday’s evening, on January 30, the representatives of Utility ‘Company ‘Water of Donbass’ were assuring that water volume, supplied from Donetsk filtration station to Donetsk and Yasinovataya, was compensated by the supply of addition volume from Verkhnekalmius filtration station, but Donetsk also got breaks with water.

Utility CEO Oleg Mokry has reported: ‘Today’s night Donetsk filtration station was under fire once again. Few shells hit on the territory of the enterprise. Hits into buildings weren’t fixed’.

In connection with the stop of filtration station, the vehicles will be removed from its territory in a short terms.

‘People are continuing to work on Donetsk filtration station. Now we do our best to keep water in Avdeevka by gravity, let it be technical at least. It’s impossible to drink it, but it could be used for technical aims’, Mokry stressed.

He also added that nearly 10 shells have fallen in reservoir of Verkhnekalmius filtration station. Otherwise, the Northern Water unit was de-energized. It’s located in Kyiv district of Donetsk. According to Mokry words, all abonents of district left without water.

‘Northern Water unit is powered from Zasyadko mine. As soon as electricity appear inthe mine, the unit will have it too’, he stressed.

Nearly 200 miners blocked under the ground, because of de-energizing of Zasyadko mine in Kyiv district of Donetsk.

The residents of this district have reported in the social media that they have already a light, but there are no water and heating from 5 am.

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