Military recruitment office undermining in Luhansk: ‘MGB LPR’ investigates two versions – updated

The blowing up of the building of Oktyabrsy district Military recruitment office in occupied Luhansk has caused a stir among the ‘LPR’ authority environ. The coordinator of the group ‘Information Resistance’ Dmitry Tymchuk reports.

According to ‘IR’ data ‘MGB LPR’ is investigating two versions  – the sabotage made by Ukrainian subversive and reconnaissance group and terrorist act by the forces of Ukrainian patriots with mine-blasting skill, living in Luhansk.

‘Last version is the main. The thorough check of locals, served in the Arned Forces of Ukraine, including those, who also was among the occupants of ‘2nd AC of LPR’, is carrying out.

The information about explosion was published by, which refers on owns sources. The accident has happened nearly 12:30 am near ex-Okyabrskiy Military recruitment office on Kaluhina street.

It’s approved that windows in closer houses were broken out and fence got damaged too. It’s noted that the heavy machinery of fighters is placed there.

In its turn ‘Luhanschina Ukraina’ Facebook page has posted the letter from ostensibly Luhansk guerrillas:

‘This night at 12:27 am our soldiers in Luhansk have made the blowing up of  Okyabrskiy Military recruitment office on Kaluhina street, 9. We warn the accomplices of Russian invaders by this action – if you’re going to replenish the ranks of traitors, be ready to upgrade the quality of Ukrainian chernozems not only on the front line, but also in the deep rear! Where AFU can’t reach you, that we’ll do’.


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