continues to examine biographies of “state officials” of the first rank in so-called “LPR”. Which thorny ways have led them to the management of “republics”? What have made them to become a “zondercommando” assisting occupied authorities in management of “the reservation area”? We’ll try to figure that out.
In the article we will talk about those “ministers” who were not remarkable provincial officials in “fascist Ukraine” earlier during years. They wore yellow-blue flags in tabs and were so to say “the face of the Ukrainian state” in Luhansk as they headed Departments, Administrations and enterprises within which Ukraine exercised authority.
Minister Svetlana Malahova – meteoric career rise
Svetlana Malahova has been already taking place of the Minister of Labour and Social Politics during half of a year. Therein Malahova isn’t a new person. Earlier she headed the same Department in Luhansk city council. Having evoluted from a provincial official to a minister Malahova hasn’t changed the principles of her work.
The main result of any official’s activity is a document, whether they are a protocol, a cost sheet or a report of conducted work. Everything done by a bureaucrat except a document is an incidental product of his work.
Having been an experienced official, Svetlana Malahova learnt this principle well – she always could report to authority. Nevertheless, what real significance was her performance filled up? Until recently, anyone has seen practically neither social payments nor humanitarian aid in “the republic”. If some “capital citizens” could get a package with several sacred kilograms of cereal, the Russian and any other humanitarian aid almost didn’t reach provincial settlements of “young state”.
The situation changed in spring when representatives of “new authority” began to declare that they had managed to accumulate facilities for realization of social payments. According to our sources, the RF appropriated the money as grant-in-aid for “getting up off its knees” “LPR”. Until now, pensionaries and other inhabitants of “the republic” for whom payments from the state are in order, have already got money once or twice. At the same time according to our source in “State bank of LPR”, officially all the money that is distributed to people has an assignment “material targeted aid”. This means that it is early to talk about regular payment of pensions and benefits in “the republic”.
One more problem is that the whole number of social payments distributed to people in “banderovska Ukraine” is plainly absent in “LPR”. In particular, it is reliably known that the Luhansk elderly set by “the republic” on the edge of survival cannot pretend to “coffin’s” in death case – social benefit for burial in the amount of two pensions, given out by Pension capital fund. The row of other social payments is significantly reduced.
Aleksey Rusakov: Minister of Housing and Utilities infrastructure and transport
Aleksey Rusakov is not a new person for Luhansk too. In pre-war years Rusakov headed Luhansk regional “Teplokommunenergo”, was a deputy of the director of subsistence department of Luhansk city Council. Since the beginning of 2000-s behind Rusakov a strip of any kind of machinations have been dragging on, which he organized for the purpose of own treatment.
According to the edition “Molodogvardeets”, in 2003 he worked as a head of house management #22 in Jovtnevyy district of Luhansk and was condemned to 4 years under the section 367 p. 2 of CC of Ukraine (negligence that caused drastic consequences), but was amnestied by the Law of Ukraine “About amnesty” from 11/07/2003 #1131-IV. Then he was a director of city public utility “Luhansk-Service-Plus”. Since December 2008 till November 2012 worked as a director of CCU “Teplokommunenergo”, after became a deputy, a head of Housing and Utilities infrastructure of Luhansk city Council. Since 2014 – director of subsistence department of Luhansk city Council.
Evgeniy Manuilov: chief financier of “republic”
This official graduated from phys-math faculty of the Luhansk State Pedagogical Institute at the beginning of 90-s. At that time, he was elected to the Leninskiy district Council of Luhansk and soon became a member of its
executive committee.
As a source in the government of “republic” told, at that period Manuilov hold ranks connected with assignation of Land assets in Luhansk.
Since 2010 till 2014 Manuilov was a deputy on common questions of a chairman of the Leninskiy district Council of Luhansk Yuriy Ryaplov.
Except the career of an official Manuilov paid great attention to the political work – these years he was an active participant of Luhansk city organization of “Party of Regions”. According to some reports, Manuilov was “shady treasurer” of the party: money given out for elections passed therethrough. It’s most likely that exactly thank to this circumstance Sir Manuilov without any commercial education became “Minister of finances of LPR”.
It’s believed that Manuilov is a creature of Efremov because in 2001-2002 when Alexander Sergeevich headed the Luhansk region Evgeniy Manuilov was his deputy.
To tell about successes of Sir Manuilov at the new post it must be admitted that he could not inherently achieve great results in creation of financial system of “LPR”.
The financial-economic blockade of the “republic” from Ukrainian side has led to tightness of hryvnia money stock. Therefore, militants decided to create a multicurrency system in which Russian rubles and USA dollars would circulate on the same basis as hryvnia. As a source in the government of “LPR” told us, nowadays the budget profits of “republic” hardly clear the third of month expenses. The main part of expenses consists of social payments and salaries of public sector employee, which began to be paid in April-May.
As the edition reports in the material “Not only due to carbonite. How business and economics in DPR and LPR are organized”, big business that survived on the territory of “republics” has to pay taxes into the budget of Ukraine. In Russian journalists opinion, tax treasure revenues of “republics” are miserable, as local taxmen can gather taxes only from representatives of small business — market outlets, public caterings, barber shops, etc.
At the same time as wrote earlier, during last several months the RF has been directly financing the budgets of “LPR” and “DPR”, carrying targeted funds to them for rendering social payments.
Upon the information of journalists of, these funds have been sending to “republics” from the RF in cash because the bank system is absent in “LPR” and “DPR”.
Leonid Pasechnik: from SSU to “MSS of LPR”
This “stateman” descends from a police family. His father Ivan Pasechnik has worked in agencies of OBHSS of USSR for 26 years. In 1975 the family moved to Magadan where he served gold works. Leonid Ivanovich graduated from Donetsk superior politico-military school.
After that, he made a niceish career in SSU: a head of the partition of free-trade control of the main department “K” of the SSU office in Luhansk region, a head of Stahanovkiy regional department and so on. In 2007 he was rewarded with the medal “For military service in Ukraine”, which was handed from once President Victor Yuschenko.
The SSU officer risen to separatists’ side – that’s not only a serious ruff for propaganda, but a well discriminative in free-trade questions person. His practical value on the post of a head of “MSS” of the unconfessed republic is barely inestimable.
As a closed source told, one of the reasons of proposition to Pasechnik of minister’s rank is his wide contacts with military rounds – in Luhansk region but also in the capital of Ukraine.
To be continued …
Aleksei Chernov for