Samples of the awards for volunteers of ATO has been developed

Activists begin to design awards for Ukrainian volunteers, taken part in warfare in ATO zone. Journalist and civil volunteer Andrei Boechko showed the sketches of awards on his Facebook page. He also noticed that the discussion of their names is taking place this time.

“We have been discussing the award for the volunteers, whom state forget about and they are absent in any of awarded lists (VUC RS – Volunteer Ukrainian Corps Right Sector, Aydar, Azov, OUN, soldiers-foreigners). It could be an order, sign or medal”, wrote Boechko. He also brings the variants of the names: “The Patriot of Ukraine”, “Respect and Honour”, “To Volunteer – The Defender of Ukraine”, “medal (sign) of Sacrifice”.



We would remind that first 25 soldiers, military medics and volunteers have got the order “National hero of Ukraine” on June 4.

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