The spontaneous rally against sects will be held in Donetsk

“DPR” authorities decided to hold spontaneous meeting of the residents of “republic” on January 29 in Donetsk against persuasion organizations. The official website of “Donetsk People’s Republic” reports about it.

The deputy of the “People’s Council of DPR”, the head of PO “Young Republic”, the member of PM “Donetsk Republic” Sergei Kondrykinsky gave a comment about upcoming meeting.

“Tomorrow all indifferent people,who understand what the sect is, will gather. We engaged in depth this question, observed who youth is attracted, how they are treated and from where these sects take the financing. We see clearly the work of CIA here. That’s why people will come out tomorrow and speak that Orthodox faith and any religion is the community of people first of all”, told Sergei Kondrykinsky.

Also he noticed that those tasks, which are now set for a sects, i.e disruption of “DPR” from inside, are well-sponsored.

We would remind that fighters of “LPR” are still looking for the organizers of the spontaneous entrepreneurs rally.

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