Come and take potluck with us: e-declarations of MPs from the East of Ukraine, and mortal deputies of Donbass has analyzed the declarations of Members of Parliament from Donetsk and Luhansk regions. How they going to surprise us? Also we want to tell you about rank of Donbass officials, who agreed and not to post their gain.

Lands and house of Bakulin, VAZ 2101 of Boyko and library of Ioffe’s wife

We begin our review from the representative of ‘Opposition block’, officially unemployed Eugeniy Bakulin. Earlier he headed the board of National joint stock company ‘Naftogaz’ and then he was elected on 106th election district of Luhansk region. He is the owner of a flat in Kyiv of 184.10 sq. m. total area, country house in Khotyanivka village of Vyshgorodsky district of Kyiv region total area is 678.9 sq. m., land of 3438 sq. m. total area, located at the same village. Also Bakulin has the garage. Except this, MP has declared house in village Kozin of Obukhovsky district of Kyiv region of total area 535.9 sq. m. and two lands at the same place of area 2000 and 3000 sq. m.

After further studying the declaration we’re convincing that Bakulin has more than enough lands and houses. Four more sites in Khotyanivka are found, but three of them are registered on MP’s daughter Svetlana.

Also, his son Nickolay has country house and site in this village. MP has interesting autopark. He declared NISSAN GT-R, PORSCHE CAYENNE S, scooter and vintage GAZ-21 of 1962 model year. The son of Bakulin is riding VOLKSWAGEN CC and PORSCHE 911 TURBO S. Member of Parliament is the owner of 3.28% of firm ‘Klim’. He has cash 1 040 000 UAH, 32 000 USD and 29 000 EU.


Next, let’s see the declaration of one more ‘oppositioner’, also unemployed MP, ex-Minister of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine, elected on nation-wide multi-member district Jury Boyko. He has declared from real estate the modest house of 30 sq. m. total area in Dibrova village in Donetsk region, also Boyko has there a land of 1952 sq. m. total area. Also he has a flat in Rubezhnoe and rented office in Kyiv. Also MP has one site of 600 sq. m. in Boryspil district of Kyiv region. The wife of Jury Boyko is the owner of the flat of total area 257 sq. m. in Kyiv and also housing in Russia. She has a house in Ivankovichi, Kyiv district and garage. 10 lands, 2 rented, are also registered on Boyko’s wife. MP rides on MERCEDES-BENZ GL500 and has oldie VAZ – 2101.

Boyko’s wife is the owner of securities – shares of Lugansk Electrical Equipment Plant and 100% of ‘Stolychna nerukhomist’ LTD (Capital Real Estate) too. boyko got salary 79 508 UAH a year, but his wife at times more – 1 158 112 UAH and about the same amount of dividends – 1 320 700 UAH.


‘Opposition bloc’ deputy Sergei Dunaev from Lisichansk represents interests of electors in 107 district of Luhansk region. He has the surplus of real estate: two flats and four houses in Severodonetsk, flat in Lisichansk also flat and garage in Kyiv. Dunaev’s wife, Elena is the owner of a flat and a house in Severodonetsk and son Artem two more flats and two more houses at the same city. Dunaev drives Mercedes-Benz GL 500 and his wife Volkswagen Touareg 3.6 FSI. Dunaev’s family is the owner of a number of companies and firms, registered on MP himself and also on son and a wife.


Juliy Ioffe represents the interests of voters of 122 district in Luhansk region from ‘Opposition block’. Long times ago Ioffe had the post of a Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine. Today he has a flat in Kyiv of area 204.9 sq. m., the parking place in Kyiv of 15.8 sq. m. of total area, the room in sanatorium in Kyiv of area 46.50 sq. m. and public reception of 17.50 sq. m. Iofee’s wife, Lyudmila, has declared a flat in Kyiv of area 204.9 sq. m. and the same by area parking place and room in the sanatorium. Loving to read Lyudmila has declared private library from 1600 books, bought in a period from 1967 to 1985. Juliy Ioffe is the owner of HYUNDAI XG and MERСEDES-BENZ GL350 CDI 4 matic and his wife has the same too. MP got salary 79 963 UAH and pension – 48 114 UAH. Also Ioffe’s family get interest on deposits. It’s curious that except everything, Ioffe’s wife has symbolic 1 and 3 UAH on some bank accounts.

At the same time Ioffe has given someone a loan of $100 000 and his wife – $220 000. Juliy has cash 52 000 USD and 174 000 UAH, wife – 93 000 USD and 303 000 UAH.


Korolevskaya without vehicle, the barn of Kurilo and Kyiv flats of Nikita Sergeevich

Ice-cream lover Nataliya Korolevskaya had flown away from under the wing of Julia Timoshenko into ‘oppositional’ apartments long times ago. She was a head of the Ministry of Social Policy in Yanukovich times. So, what has she declared? Korolevskaya has an office in occupied Luhansk area of 545.2 sq. m. and also a land in Luhansk area 2045 sq. m., purchased already in 2000.

Her spouse, Jury Solod, has the flat in Kyiv area of 264.1 sq. m. Vehicles weren’t declared by Nataliya and her husband, maybe they go to work by tram.  

Korolevskaya has registered 3 trade-marks and her husband 6 commercial names from intangible assets. Korolevskaya earned 75 322 UAH and her husband – 66 232 UAH. Bank account of ex social minister has 108 591 UAH and also cash was declared – 136 000 UAH and 26 000 USD.


Vitaly Kurilo represents constituency #113. He’s representative of Petr Poroshenko block, ex rector of LNU.  

Kurilo told about two parcels in Kyiv region 1200 sq. m. total area each of them and also site of size 726 sq. m. in Starobelsk in Luhansk region. The barn area of 186 sq. m. is in the same place there. Also Kurilo has a flat area of 102 sq. m. And also MP has not a big garage (23.8 sq. m.) in occupied Luhansk.

Kurilo also has declared the housing in Kyiv area of 104.4 sq. m. 4 parcels, little house and garage in Nikolaevka of Stanitsa Luhanska district were declared by wife of MP. Kurilo is the owner of Toyota Land Cruiser and his wife is owner is owner of Toyota RAV-4.

Kurilo got in Verhovna Rada 83 281 UAH of income, but teaching activities in LNU has brought to him a little bit more – 84 886 UAH. Also, Kurilo gets academic scholarship in a size of 55 212 UAH a year. The state has compensate to Vitaly Kurilo housing rent in 166 980 UAH.


At last let’s look at deputy Sergei Shakhov from Kadievka (ex-Stakhanov, Luhansk region), who was elected by people in district #114 not so long ago. The member of a party ‘Nash krai’ (Our region), who was noticed in contacts with Yanukovich family, ran from Petr Poroshenko block at last elections. Shakhov has declared the flat in native Kadievka area of 106.8 sq. m. and he wrote on his son Nikita sergeevich two Kyiv flats areas 166.9 sq. m. and 121 sq. m. But he has only one car Toyota Land Crуiser 200, 2013 model year. Shakhov is the owner of ‘Nash Dom’ (Our House) company and ‘Luhansk industrial group’. The income from business activity of Sergei Shakhov in 2015 was 985 710 UAH.


Russian land of Harbuz and holiday allotments of the prosecutor

The personality of a new governor of Luhansk region made a lot of discussions and rumors. The offspring of agricultural Melovoe district headed Luhansk Regional Military-Civilian Administration in spring 2016. After total call of duty to declare property he put in e-reports land in Valuyskoe village of Stanitsa Luhanska district area of 2500 sq. m., sites in Melovoe area of 1500 sq. m. and 19 695 sq. m. He has a house in Kabychevka of Markovsky district area of 141.2 sq. m. and a barn in Melovoe area of 246.7 sq. m. His wife Olga has a house in Melovoe area of 98.9 sq. m. and land in Russia 624 100 sq. m. total area (62.4 hectares). Declaration keeps silence where this site is.

Harbuz drives Toyota Land Cruiser 200 and also ex-cowboy has two trailers 8176 АНТОР-3 and Hotrarijs VT2000S. Last year Harbuz has got 71 832 UAH of salary on main job. Also Harbuz has account in ‘Oschadbank’ with 106 800 UAH on it.  

Here is all the treasures that were declared by governor.


Next let’s study the declaration of the main prosecutor of Luhansk region Vladimir Yanko. Earlier he had a post of the main prosecutor of Transcarpathian region, after he was removed on service to Severodonetsk. He declared the flat in Ivano-Frankivsk of 104.1 sq. m. area, the flat in Uzhgorod of 89.00 sq. m. and garage in Ivano-Frankivsk. His wife, Halina , is the owner of a house of 454.1 sq. m. in the resort Yaremcha and parcels at the same place of area 435 sq. m. and 504 sq. m. Prosecutor has  Toyota Camry, 2012 model year. He earned 390 473 UAH in the prosecutor’s office of Ivano-Frankivsk and also got 104 796 UAH of pension. His wife hasn’t declared the incomes. Main Prosecutor of Luhansk has $30 000 and 20 000 on his bank account. Wife of Yanko has the credit. Where and how much did she take – history’s keeping silence.


The head of Road Service of Luhansk region, ex-member of ‘Block of Julia Timoshenko’ Vadim Danielyan didn’t submit a declaration about incomes. The deputy governor for social and humanitarian sphere Olga Lishik also don’t have a wish to declare own incomes.

The head of financial department of Luhansk Regional Military-Civilian Administration Tatiana Anykeeva finish our declaration overview through Luhansk region. She left flats in occupied Luhansk area of 72.70, 54.90 and 114.40 sq. m. Also she has modest parcel 19 sq. m. and a garage. Why official needs garage if she doesn’t declare any personal car? Maybe to keep harvest from the aforementioned kitchen garden.

Anykeeva hs declared 161 286 UH by main job. Other incomes official or doesn’t have or doesn’t advertise.

As we see the official declaration review doesn’t open for us special surprises and countless treasures. Maybe, officials of Luhansk region are not so rich or they decided to declare only a part of their property. But some of them altogether haven’t submitted declarations. We hope that next year officials will treat to declaring with great awe and show people their honesty and transparency. Although, it’s hard to believe in it.


Shine and poverty of Donetsk people

Next, let’s look for more luxury pre-war region of Donetsk. Offsprings of it have been demonstrating themselves since Yanukovich times till today. We’ll describe only some but brightest of them.

We begin from reading of the declaration of Maxim Efimov from Kramatorsk, who represents Donetsk people in #48 district from Petr Poroshenko block. He is the owner of two parcels and two flats in Belenkoe village, that near Kramatorsk. Except this, MP has declared the building of repair shop of calf and cow barn, that located in native habitation of deputy. Also Efimov has flats in Kyiv and in USA (279.3 sq. m.). 12 parcels in Donetsk are also Efimov’s. MP’s wife, except sites and flats, is the owner of a part of shops #106 and #72 in Kramatorsk. Also Efimov is building in America two objects, but no one of the was finished yet.

MP has watches of brands Martin Braun, Bovet from white and yellow gold, Ulysse Nardin, IWC, Harry Winston, Cvstos, Graham. Plenty of chronographs didn’t save deputy – he missed 46% of parliament sessions. His wife likes to flaunt in sable coat Nijole, has a short coat Rindi, as well as the coat of lynx Nello Santi, chinchilla fur coat De Nicola, vest Diamond Furs, mink vest of Fendi, a few mink coats, and an arsenal of branded handbags from Tardini. Also, the wife of People’s Deputy has 12 items of different decorations and jewelry.

MP rides Lexus GX 470 and Bombardier RXP X RS 260 hp and his wife has three cars: Mercedes-benz S 320 and S 550, and also Lexus GX 460. Maxim Efimov holds shares in such companies: ‘Urozhai’, ‘Kramatorsk of automotor industry 11410’, ‘Energomashspetsstal’ and ‘Starokramatorsky mashinstroitelny plant’. A number of firms is also registered on Efimov, including offshore on the well-known Virginia islands and in Switzerland. Efimov owns the rights to the invention is a method of forging axisymmetric deformation local products and devices for the hollow ingot.

EfimovDonetsk MP from ‘Opposition bloc’ businessman and industrialist Sergei Klyuev is famous for his unwillingness to visit Verkhovna Rada sessions – he missed 92% of them. Negligent MP was included in a ‘black list’ of deputies, who didn’t bother to submit an e-declaration as of November 7 to report to the people. Maybe he has nothing to declare or he has what to hide?


One more deputy from ‘Opposition bloc’ worthy of your attention is Sergei Larin. He headed Kirivihrad Regional State Administration in 2010-2013. He was the Deputy of the Chairman of the Administration of the President of Ukraine in 2013-2014. He wrote on himself the parcel in Kyiv region of 2400 sq. m. area and little garage in the capital. The min owner of two parcel on Western Ukraine and two in Kyiv region was noted his wife Nataliya. Also two houses in village Kvasy of Transcarpathian region, flat in Kyiv and two parking places were written on her. Larin has declared from real estate three Swiss watches of brands Breguet, Harry Winston, Vacheron Constantin from white gold. Also MP has 35 paintings by authorship of artists Vintenko, Galitsky, Gorbenko, Lipatov, Timofeenko, Puzirchenko, Bogayevsky, Demidenko, Savini, Roderk, Janov, Odalchuk, Litovchenko. He also declared three icons, but it’s unknown if they are antique enough.

MP’s wife has declared Bulgari necklace made of white metal and Swiss watches Ulysse Nardin and Frank Muller. It seemed strange but MP has no own auto and he is carried by his wife on Lexus  LX570. Deputy earned during a year 73 751 UAH. His bank account has 239 156 UAH.


Next we will read the declaration of Sergei Taruta, non-party person from Mariupol. Taruta is well-known to every Ukrainian as the co-owner of Metallurgical Corporation ‘Industrial Union of Donbass’ and also as ex-governor of Donetsk region and owner of FC ‘Metalurg’. He was on 8th place in 2008 in Forbes TOP-130 with $2.65 billion. Exactly his total employment maybe can become the explanation of his permanent absenteeisms in parliament. Taruta has non-residential house of 556.8 sq.m. of total area, three flats in Kyiv, flat in Yalta village Nikita in Crimea, house and flat in Donetsk, flat in Partenit, house in frontline Vinogradnoe near Mariupol, flat in Mariupol. Mass of real estate is registered on his wife and daughters. Sergei Taruta is famous as a big fan of art-masterpieces and antique. He has declared floor vases gilded 19th century, Japanese pots, censers and a few vases and Japanese sculptures. Also he has bronze sculptures ‘A boy with  a cat’ and ‘Mouse with cheese’ and more than 30 icons. He understands in paintings: owner of a canvas ‘Nude’ of Vaker’s pen, drawing of Aivazovsky and also 203 figures of different degree of exclusivity. Taruta’s collection includes 20 items of ‘pots like bombs’, painted craters and fragments of marble columns. Taruta prefers ‘Mykolyne jittya’ (Nick’s life) and Gospel of 1644 edition. Daughter and wife of the metallurgical magnate have declared a collection of jewelry and ornaments. And it’s only a small part of an impressive list of objects of art of Taruta, illustrated here.

Own autopark of Sergei Taruta has only Lexus GS 430, his wife has Lexus GX470 and daughter Audi ТТ and Renault Master. MP owns shares of the enterprises ‘Eurostudio TV and Radio’, ‘Bahmutskiy Agrarian Union’, DARGAMO HOLDINGS LIMITED and ARROWCREST LIMITED. Taruta also owns 24% of shares of FC “Metallurg” (20,515,625 in monetary terms). Salary of MP was 75 833 a year, but interest on deposits is 1 722 285 UAH. Account of Taruta keeps almost a million dollars (979 419) and weight of deposits in other currencies.


Donbass fall on evil days is no stranger to contrasts. Damaged and flooded mines, high level of unemployment, alcohol and drug abuse, but also the war in the bargain. Millions and other wealth, declared by MPs from Donbass, look particularly cynical on the background of all of it. However, nobody could forbid luxury life. But a little hope exists, that Donbass voters will meaningful and reasonably elect own parliament representatives next time and when people fill the bulletin, they will remember about great riches, declared by deputies.

Prepared by Alexei kirillov for

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