Russian historian, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor and head of the department of public relations MGIMO, political analyst, publicist and public figure Valerii Solovei is sure that a lot of surprises are waiting for Russian authority and hall country in future. Valerii Solovei wrote about it in the Facebook post.
‘The power has overslept the cardinal shift of social consciousness’
And that’s why:
- Respondents don’t tell the truth to sociologists.
- Administration of the president reports about the situation on the ground is almost completely falsified.
- Reports on another lines falsified not completely, but for the most part.
How it was said in 1983: ‘ We don’t know the society in which we live’?
There are many surprises ahead. The beginning of the transformation of mass consciousness is irreversible and will be accelerated. But, the main, political behaviour will change (it’s already changing)’.