Occupants are displacing form Crimea those, who are not welcome

New facts of displacing from Crimea tatars and fighters for upholding the rights of indigenous people by Russian occupation ‘power’ were promulgated in the report of the Boris Nemtsov Foundation ‘For Freedom’ – ‘Political Persecution in Russia: Six Months of 2017’.

‘The tendency to displace indigenous people from peninsula is clearly seen. The incompatible with ordinary life conditions of existence of part of the population, safed Ukrainian citizenship, refusing to accept Russian, are being formed’, the report tells.  

Authors of the document appointed that peninsula after the occupation became the ‘outlaw territory, on which an unprecedented and systematic violation of the law and human rights is due, inter alia, to the lack of full access for human rights defenders and media representatives (primarily Ukrainian)’.

A few groups, which were persecuted, conditionally stand out:

– Crimean Tatars, leaders and members of the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people;

– real and probable members of the organization ‘Hizb ut-Tahrir’, banned in the Russian Federation;

– the figurants of the so-called ‘case on 26 February’;

– pro-Ukrainian residents of the Crimea and pro-Ukrainian activists;

– Crimean journalists and Crimeans, who refused to force their Russian citizenship and obtain passports of the Russian Federation.

Wherein it’s appointed that these groups are crossing in a lot of accidents and persecuted could become the defendants of several criminal cases.

It’s noted that ‘the circle of persons at risk and permanent danger to become involved in already existing and new criminal cases under different pretexts is vaguely broad and is counted in hundreds’.

Погода в Киеве


