Participants of an action ‘For big political reform’ decided to make two tent camps near the building of Verkhovna Rada. ‘Interfax-Ukraine’ has reported about it.
‘Military men make a military camp: closed, with a discipline and security, located in such a place, where there is no good corner for sniper scope. Here is the territory that is the best for it (on the roadway of Hrushevsky street – ed.). We offer for civils to place in the park, as National police suggests’, one of an active participants of the action MP Egor Sobolev has reported.
According to Sobolev words, ‘the place for communication, meetings and discussions still left’ on Hrushevsky street.
We note that there are more than 200 people at the moment on the square of the Constitution on Hrushevsky street near Rada building.
More than 20 tents were left on the roadway, a little bit more is Mariinsky park. The road section is still blocked. National Guard and police staff secure an area from the side of Lipskaya and Shelkovichnaya street. Law enforcements ask everyone, who crosses the territory of a camp, to show bags and also they clarify, if they have no forbidden things.
Action participants in the tent camp are also engaged in knitting camouflage mesh for ATO.